
Ουτε αντρες ουτε γυναικες. Πειρατες του φυλου, προς αναζητηση θησαυρων..

Ni homes, ni dones.
Pirates del gènere, buscadors de tresors.

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Querilla Travolaka: Manifesto μεταφρασμενο στα αγγλικα

We of the 'Trans' Guerrilla believe in the power of SHOWING ourselves, talking about our bodies, our sexuality, our differences and the thousand identities that are hidden beneath that label of "trans". We want to be visible and we speak in the first person.
We want to possess gender, redefine our BODIES and create free, open networks where we can develop, where anyone can build up their security mechanisms against gender pressure.

We aren't victims; our war wounds are our shields.

In opposition to the Trans-normativity that imposes strict medical morals and a binomic gender system, we propose new alternatives to understand and construct our bodies. We are NOT talking about a third sex, as we don't even believe in a first or second sex. This is a question of being able to express our gender freely, of understanding the utopia that means and the pressures that exist.

We present ourselves, not as terrorists, but as pirates, trapeze artists, guerrillas, members of the gender RESISTANCE.

We defend Doubt, we believe in the 'going back' medically and in going forward, we think that no construction process should be labelled as IRREVERSIBLE. We want to make the beauty of androgyny visible. We believe in the right of removing our bandages to breathe, and that of not removing them ever; in the right of undergoing operations at the hands of good surgeons and not BUTCHERS, in free access to hormone treatments without the need for psychiatrists' certificates, in the right of self hormone administration. We demand the right to live without asking for permission.

We believe in direct action against trans-phobia. And to achieve this, we feel it is necessary to redefine the limits of this phobia, understanding it to be the rejection of any non-regulatory expression of gender identity, not just transexualism.

We declare our doubts concerning the Spanish medical protocol which has, for years now, established absurd, trans-phobic rules for any citizen who wishes to take the hormones of his or her "opposite sex". We do not believe in gender disphoria, or identity disorders, we believe it is not people who are mad, but the system. We do not classify ourselves by sexes, we are all different, regardless of our genitals, hormones, lips, eyes, hands…

We do not believe in paperwork, in legal gender, we do not need documents, or to have our gender mentioned on our identity card - we believe in the free circulation of hormones (which already exists, in fact).

We don't want any more psychiatrists, or psychiatry/psychology books; we don't want any more "Real Life Tests"…

We don't want to be treated as though we were mentally ill… because we aren't… and yet that is how we have been treated for a long time!

We believe in activism, in constancy, in visibility, in liberty, in resistance…

In the 'Travolaka' guerrilla we have not chosen to be guerrillas. We all have our own private wars, but not all of us choose to spring into the battlefield…

Welcome to the 'Travolaka' Guerrilla.

Trans Guerrila

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